Nutrition Counseling Services

Package Pricing & Details

Intro Pack

Perfect for nutrition newbies who are interested in seeing what Nutrition Counseling is all about or for those looking for a nutrition tuneup. Wherever you’re at, this 4 week short and sweet package will give you the jumpstart you’re seeking!

Week 1 is a 90 minute session where we take a deep dive into your nutritional health background and develop goals for follow up sessions.

Weeks 2-4 are 45 minute sessions where I support you in implementing your wellness goals.

At the end of the 4 weeks, you will receive a bonus written summary with final recommendations to round out this Starter Pack.

$225 initial payment, then $120 a week for 3 weeks

Accountability Pack

In this Pack, I implement Nutrition Counseling for a whole body overhaul. I meet you where you’re at on Day 1 and focus on your needs and personal wellness goals. If you’re ready to commit to a health reboot, this package is for you!

Week 1 is a 90 minute session where we take a deep dive into your nutritional health background and develop goals for follow up sessions.

Weeks 2-12 are 45 minute sessions where I support you in implementing your wellness goals.

At the end of the 12 weeks, you will receive a bonus written summary with final recommendations to compliment this Accountability Pack.

First payment $225 then $110 a week for 11 weeks

Additional appointment times available upon request, please contact Marie at

  • Herbivore RD uses the HIPPA compliant EMR (electronic medical record) platform Healthie Inc for all client interface including virtual counseling sessions, scheduling, client charting and billing. After signing up for a service package with Herbivore RD, clients will be redirected to Healthie Inc to complete the package purchase and new client paperwork. No client data is stored on the Herbivore RD website.
  • Does Herbivore RD work with insurance? Click here to learn more

The initial Healthie process is as follows:

  1. Confirm information
  2. Select initial consultation, video call
  3. Select date and time for initial 90 minute consultation
  4. Click “Buy Now”, for the initial 90 minute session at $225. You will only be charged for the initial session and all follow up sessions will be charged weekly to your payment method provided.
  5. You will then be asked to complete the new client paperwork which I will review prior to our first session so that we can maximize our time together!